Oh this couple was a dream to work with. I am SO looking forward to their wedding. I bet they will be even more in love and giddy then! We went to a little jewel of a spot in Davis and it was fun to shoot something new. I haven’t been to this spot in years, it fit their needs and wants perfectly… and look at the gorgeous sun we got at the end!?!? Love It.
So when MY daughter turned one I knew for sure I wanted to do cake smash. However having a Jan birthday, it does make it hard to plan a cute park cake smash session. I thought I’d try a more real life cake smash session with her… I am so glad I did. The morning of her birthday she had special birthday waffles which are a birthday staple here. On her actual birthday celebration with our little family I set up the special area to have her real life cake smash. For me these hold more meaning since they were taken in our home and have an actual memory tied to them. I can do the same for you and your family. Yes pretty pictures are nice but the goal with lifestyle photography is to spark an actual real life memory… one that matters.
For these I did take down part of my canvas wall collage in the dining room to have a less distracting background. I hunted the for the perfect birthday touches. Glitter banner is from Hobby Lobby. Cute tiny girl hat is from Target… but awhile ago… I saw them at old navy too. Cute “One” topper was from Amazon. Her dress is something from H&M awhile ago. Birthday Plate was from the dollar section at Target (they still carry them time to time). Can’t forget the best high chair ever- IKEA… I love this thing. So simple and perfect for something like this. Showcases the baby not a distracting high chair.
We let the big brothers join in at the end. They were rather disappointed they haven’t gotten to smash cake on each of their birthdays and felt rather left out… Of course they did have their own one year old cake smash but who remembers that?!?!… So sister let them all have a little cake. We all laughed the hardest when she took cake right out of her brothers hand and shoved it in her mouth. This was just the best cake smash ever!… in my opinion

It is almost like a first date when I photograph a new family… but a first date that went really really well ;)!!! I love the getting to know each other time. It’s also the best when you blow mom away at the reveal. I love it when you all are over the moon with your images!! We had a great time that day and a great time at the reveal session putting together a lovely collage for her!
Also side note this had to be one of my favorite summer locations last year. It leaves much to be desired when you look at it in person but given an artistic touch it was wonderful. You’ll see few posts here from my Summer Series Sessions. Ice cream is ALWAYS a great way to end a session!

When my dear friend asks to help at a wedding in wine country during the most beautiful time of the day you say YES. Thank you Betsey Walton Photography for allowing me to be creative and get my own shots that I just HAD TO HAVE… you can see why right?? Gorgeous couple, gorgeous venue… and you can’t get better than this light! This is why I always ask to take the couples out for a few pictures as the sun goes down.