Little Throwback to the good ol’ film days. Look achived in LR3… but I love it. Reminds me of my care free darkroom days of college 🙂
My sweet middle brought this to me while I was making his lunch and said “Mama I have flower for you” I told him I’d put it in my kitchen window so they could keep growing… perfect spot right next to the cross my oldest made at VBS. I love having little boys. They are dirty, busy & loud but as sweet at sugar 🙂

It was a pleasure to meet this little sweetheart. I use to work with her Mama a few years back and it was a great honor to get the request to do her newborn session. Every few months I need a little baby fix and this little girl gave me just what i needed.
She was one of my best newborns to date, it was a huge help that we did her session when she was just 5 days old. It is best to do newborn session within the first 10 days of life and the sooner the better.

I just love this family. It was an honor to capture this special time in their lives. This little baby bump is a mystery… part of me thinks that that it is fun to wait but it drives the other part of me crazy 🙂
This sweet Mama was one of my Maids Of Honor at my wedding years ago. She is a dear friend of mine and an outstanding mother. I am so excited fo this family!